Setting up a new Online Ordering Menu

Setting up a new Online Ordering Menu

Basic Menu Concepts : Categories, Items, Modifiers and Group Categories



  • Menu Categories such as “salads” or “starters” are implemented here

  • Availability can be updated for the entire category (this means all items assigned to this category follow these rules).

  • This is useful if, say, the lunch menu is only available Mon-Fri 11am-3pm. You can change under the availability tab from “All Days” to “Specific Times” and adjust each day accordingly. 

  • You can view all items assigned to a category under the “items” tab and here you can adjust sort order (useful for restaurants that number their dishes) 


  • In the items tab you can add new items, search for and change existing items, copy existing items, and select multiple items to enable or disable simultaneously

  • When adding items, you can include the name, description (which appears in smaller, lighter text under the item name), price, and assign the item to a category (this MUST be done in order for the item to show up).

  • Items can be assigned to more than one category.

    • Items with NO price and/or NO category will NOT appear 

    • Disabled items will NOT appear 

  • For alcoholic beverages, clicking the “is alcohol” radio button will ensure that a user who adds this item to their cart is sent the “alcohol notification” (ie. “you must be 21+ in order to buy alcoholic drinks”)

  • You can also add specific options to your items under the options tab. These are things such as “toppings” or “salad dressings” 

    • In order to do so, search the option (that you already have created) and select it 

    • You may define an option as required or not 

    • Add the choices by clicking on the big blue button & selecting relevant choices

    • To make the options add or removed price from the item total simply fill out that box under “price”

    • You can also adjust sort order of all options, or choices within the options themselves, if your menu has a logical progression 

  • Item availability can also be specified, but this is rarely useful (only used if you have a “tuesday special”)


  • Adding Modifiers is really easy. Just click the blue button, give the option a name (ie “add” or “choice of side”) and select its type. There are three useful types: select, checkbox, and radio 

    • Select: only allows one choice from all modifiers & is given in a drop down menu 

    • Checkbox: allows user to select multiple options (you can set a max under the modifiers tab of the individual item) or multiple quantities 

    • Radio: allows user to see all modifiers in similar format to checkbox, but only select one 

Group Category

  • Group categories are used when you have multiple menus (ie “lunch” / “dinner” / “brunch”) 

  • Create the group category, choose the items to assign, and make sure to select the “hide title” button in order for the group category name to appear 

  • Ensure that you have checked the box which says “group category menu shop” and chosen a style (tabbed or in line) in order for everything to appear on the online ordering platform 

  • There is no “power” in the group category; it is simply used to organize / divide menus. All rules (ex availability and assigning items) must be completed at the category level.

Best Practice for setting up a new Menu: 

Setup menus in following order

  1. First add and sort all categories 

  2. Fill out all modifiers

  3. Create items with categories & modifiers assigned.

  4. Check all items appear and are accurate

  5. Assign group categories & any category rules 

  6. Check everything :) 

Tips & Tricks: 

Copy Modifiers Functionality:

  • If multiple items have similar modifiers (ie all salads have same dressing choices) you can simply add the modifiers to one item,

  • Then under the “copy modifiers” section, search for this item,

  • By default all modifiers will be copied. If you want to only copy 1 then remove the ones you don't want to copy.

  • Then search the other dishes (your other salads) and select SAVE in the top right corner to copy that modifier across.  

  • Everything will be copied exactly; as in, price changes and sort order

  • Copying will not alter existing modifiers on either item (ie copying “dressings” will not change the ‘add protein” modifier already created on a salad) 

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