Refunding Orders through the Web Admin

Refunding Orders through the Web Admin

  1. To refund an order go to the Online Ordering admin via your Engage Dashboard.
  2. Navigate to "Orders" on the left-hand side of the screen. You will see a list of orders and need to find the order # that you want to refund.  (You can enter order number in the order ID field and click 'Filter')
  3. Click on the "View Order" button.
  4. Scroll to bottom of screen to the Refund line.  If the Transaction hasn't fully cleared you will see a "VOID" button.  Once the Transaction clears this button will change to a "REFUND" button.     
  5. Once you see the REFUND button, you can choose to either do a Full Refund or a Partial Refund.  To do a Partial just enter the amount you want to refund. (If you choose to VOID the transaction before it fully clears, the transaction will be canceled and a full refund will be issued) 

Example of Refunding a Transaction shown below :  


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