Fonts and Email Client Support

Fonts and Email Client Support

Not all fonts are supported by all email clients.  Web-Safe Fonts are supported on all email clients.  Other Custom Web fonts will work for the following email clients: Apple Mail, Outlook for Mac and IOS.  All other email clients such as Outlook (desktop and web), gmail and yahoo will override the custom font unless the font file is installed on the recipients devices.   

Web Safe Fonts :   Supported on all email clients.


Lucida Sans,
Times New Roman,
Trebuchet MS,

Custom Web Fonts in Engage : Not supported on all email clients.


Bebas Neue,
Brush Script MT,
Comic Sans MS,
Courier New,
DM Sas.
Fredericka the Great,
Great Vibes,
Grey QO,
IM Fell English,
Playfair Display,
Poiret One,

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