Generating Order Reports

Generating Order Reports

Generating an Order Report

1. Click on Online Ordering  in your Engage Dashboard to navigate to your Online Order Admin. There click on Reports > Orders->Orders

2. Select the Start and End date that you want  to run the report for e.g. it can be 1 day or 1 week or 1 month or more.  Select the location, if you have more than 1 location.  Depending on the size of your date range, choose how you want to group your data: days, weeks, months, years.  Select the Order Status - typically this will be 'Completed'. When you have entered your desired selections click "filter" to  update the report.  
Tip: Select status as "Complete" to view orders you fulfilled

3.  Click on the icons in the top right corner to either download as either a PDF or a CSV file

Example Order Report 

Here is an example of a 12 month report (csv format)  with order data grouped by month.  

Automated Reports

There are two types of Automated reports.

1. Daily Order Report
This is a detailed transaction report listing all orders for day.  This report  can also be requested for the week/month.

Example  of Daily Order Report : 

2.  'Close of Business' report

This is a short summary report showing total sales and total tips for the day.

Example of Close  of Business  Report :

 To turn on the automated reports,  go to Settings->Location->Report  

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