Creating Discount Coupons
Select Coupons under Marketing
Fill out the coupon fields :
- Name and Code : Give your coupon a name and create a Code e.g. Summer Promo + SUMMER10
- Type : Choose coupon type which can be percentage off or fixed price discount or free delivery
- Discount: Choose amount of discount
- Total Amount : Set minimum order value (if desired) before coupon can be used
- Products/Category/Location/Method : You can restrict the coupon to only certain products or categories OR you can restrict it to just 1 restaurant location (if you are multi-location) OR you can restrict to just a certain method or order such as Pickup or Delivery or Dine-In orders.
- Date Start and Date End : Always set a Start and End date for coupons
- Uses per coupon : You can allow the coupon to only be used X times, but we recommend you leave this field blank.
- Uses per customer : You can allow the coupon to only be used X times per customer, we recommend you leave this field blank.
- Status : Make sure to enable your Coupon
The list of all coupons will display on the main page, displaying end date and status.
You can run a report to see how many times a coupon has been used. Go to Order Reports and select Coupon and select the period you want to run the report for.
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